REMINDER: Apache EU Roadshow 2018 schedule announced!
7 years ago
Hello Apache Supporters and Enthusiasts

This is a reminder that the schedule for the Apache EU Roadshow 2018 in
Berlin has been announced.


Please note that we will not be running an ApacheCon in Europe this year
which means that this Apache EU Roadshow will be the main Apache event
in Europe for 2018.

The Apache EU Roadshow tracks take place on the 13th and 14th June 2018,
and will feature 28 sessions across the following themes; Apache Tomcat,
IoT , Cloud Technologies, Microservices and Apache Httpd Server.

Please note that the Apache EU Roadshow is co-located with FOSS
Backstage and their schedule (https://foss-backstage.de/sessions)
includes many Apache related sessions such as Incubator, Apache Way,
Open Source Governance, Legal, Trademarks as well as a full range
community related presentations and panel discussions.

One single registration gives you access to both events - the Apache EU
Roadshow and FOSS Backstage.

Registration includes catering (breakfast & lunch both days) and also an
attendee evening event. And if you want to have a project meet-up, hack
or simply spend time and relax in our on-site Apache Lounge between
sessions, then you are more than welcome.

We look forward to seeing you in Berlin!

Sharan Foga, VP Apache Community Development

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